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Hair model submission

why model for us?

What can Becoming a Hair mode do for me?

CoCo La Rue Hair Extensions DC will supply you with thousands of dollars in hair extensions, wigs, and accessories. Our hair models are seen by agencies all around the World from our print material. By being seen on major print material can get you signed and succeed in ways other hair models can't. Our Models get ask to model in fashion shows, runway, magazines, music videos, your favorite TV shows and more! Getting a Modeling gig is made easy when we do the hair work for you. Become one of our hair models now and start your new path!

You Are Beautiful!!

There's a special place for you in being a hair model. Your unique qualities are a perfect match for so many exciting opportunities. Models are never just tall and slender. Models comes in different categories. From high fashion and glamour modeling, to hair modeling, runway modeling, roles in TV, film, commercial and more! Trust us, we are your window to becoming an amazing hair Model. You can be our next model.

Unique people like you fill the pages of hair magazines and walk the runway every day. Imagine what people will say when you're starring in hair and fashion shows, modeling in exciting locations and attending celebrity events?That's your new life as one of our hair model. You're different and now it's your time to shine. Discover your potential and experience it with from Coco La Rue Hair Extensions DC

Hair Model Lala Speaks

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